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Alice Hill
Sep 30, 20163 min read
Beware the baby walker - floor time is the best time!
The baby product market in Australia is enormous. As parents, we are surrounded by advertising messages that tell us we need to buy...
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Alice Hill
Aug 3, 20164 min read
Tummy Time
When should you start doing tummy time with your baby? How can you make tummy time safe and fun? How often and for how long? The article I w
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Alice Hill
Apr 18, 20161 min read
How much screen time is too much?
In this day and age we are surrounded by screens. Our children are watching us use our phones, ipads, computers, televisions and many...
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Alice Hill
Apr 11, 20162 min read
Safe Tummy Time
Tummy time helps to build the strength of your babies neck, back and shoulder muscles. Building strength in these muscles is an important...
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